My decision to start blogging was not for attention or any type of recognition. My main goal and prayer as I stated in my very first blog post is still this, "I pray that the things I post and possibly write will not only strengthen others but also myself."
So as I look at some of my blog posts it does not surprise me that a big theme has been to warn about the effects of pornography. This is an area that I have to constantly fight against. While I overcame much of this problem by the grace of my Lord Jesus Christ before I was married, the temptations abound daily in this Godless culture we live in. I can totally relate to the lyric in Lecrae's track Prayin For You...
"...he say he feelin' trapped can't even hit up the mall, cause every ladies half dressed tempting him to lust and fall..."
So when I come across videos or studies that deal with the topic of pornography I want to pass them on to people to show them another option that maybe hasn't been made available to them.
So this is why I'm posting this video that was recorded hours before Ted Bundy would be executed. I had watched this awhile back and it just slipped my mind. Thankfully one of my favorite Christian rappers posted this on his blog this past Saturday. As he said, "This video is very sobering."
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