Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Cost of Following Jesus - David Platt

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Impressed - to affect deeply or strongly in mind or feelings

Today I was spending time putting together a new video for the song Impressed by Tedashii of Reach Records.
It takes some time putting these videos together, especially songs because you are constantly listening to the song over and over to make sure that the lyrics are in sync with the song for people to follow along.

However for me listening to this song over and over has benefited me greatly.

The chorus of the song goes like this...

How can you hear about this God dawg and not get impressed?
The one that gave the sky its height and the ocean its depth
The one that hung all of the planets plus the moon and the sun
And let you hear this song that you might commune with the Son

How amazing the creation is, and yet how often do we fail to thank Him for it? The song writer mentions Isaiah 6 in the interlude and in the second verse. In Isaiah's vision he see's the Lord. I like the Geneva translation notes for this, "God does not show himself to man in his majesty but according as man's capacity to comprehend him, that is, by visible signs as John the Baptist saw the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove."

o in the capacity that Isaiah could see the Lord his response in verse 5 is amazing...

And I said: "Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts!"

Sadly many christians today are caught up in trying to "experience life now" and having their "best life now", that we aren't impressed with God. We need to depart from these teachings of motivational teachers and embrace the God of the Bible! We need biblical repentance and whether we are suffering or prospering may God get all the glory and may we above all things be impressed by Him!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Don't Waste Your Life

Well for the first post on this blog after my introductory post I wanted to post a sermon that has been so influential to me. It was this sermon that made me stop and think about exactly what I was doing with my life. It caused me to examine myself as 2 Corinthians 13:5 tells us to do.

It was this sermon that showed me the vanity of my life and the stuff I sought after was a waste! None of those things I sought after could ever provide true joy in my life. This sermon put so much in perspective for me that I regret that I did not hear it when it was first preached in December of 2003.

However God is sovereign and perfect, and I believe that I heard and saw this sermon at just the right time in my life. And my earnest prayer for those that watch this, no matter what your age, is that the Holy Spirit will speak to your conscience as He did me and you will join me in saying....


Monday, February 15, 2010

It is official...

I have finally entered the world of blogging. At one time I despised blogs because in my limited perspective of them, I just assumed they were for people to just say whatever silly or insignificant thought that crossed their minds.

While I believe that is still true I have come to realize the good that can come from blogs. I can picture one of my favorite pastor's saying..."don't waste your blog." So with this blog I intend to do exactly that and not waste this blog.

I am not a theologian, pastor, elder etc. I am simply a christian who has been saved from my sins by the grace and mercy of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This blog will not, (Lord willing), mention anything that does not in some way bring glory to God.

This blog is just a small step on a path that the Lord is calling me to. I pray that the things I post and possibly write will not only strengthen others but also myself.

I look forward to this journey and pray that I will be unashamed of the Gospel!